London Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty London is a surgical procedure performed to shape the nose and create a harmonious nasal appearance with the face. The nose develops until the end of adolescence under the influence of both genetic and various environmental factors. At the end of this developmental process, the nose may acquire an appearance that is not harmonious with the face and does not fit the aesthetic integrity of the face.

There may be one or more aesthetic-based problems related to the nose that bother the individual. In fact, functional problems such as difficulty breathing through the nose may accompany these aesthetic-based problems in some individuals. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed to address these issues. Through this surgery, a nasal appearance that is harmonious with the individual’s facial characteristics, gender, and preferences can be achieved. In this article, we will provide answers to commonly asked questions such as “What is rhinoplasty surgery?”, “How long is the recovery period after rhinoplasty London?”, “How is rhinoplasty performed?”, and “Can I smoke after rhinoplasty London?” For detailed information about Rhinoplasty London, you can continue reading our article.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to shape the nose and correct aesthetic problems related to the nose. With rhinoplasty surgery, septal deviation and a hump on the nose can be corrected, and the size of the nose can be reduced. Similarly, a nasal appearance that is harmonious with areas such as the forehead and lips, supporting facial features, can be achieved.

How is Rhinoplasty Performed?

General anesthesia is used to ensure a painless and comfortable experience for the patient during rhinoplasty surgery. The details of this application are planned by an anesthesiologist and the surgeon according to the patient’s general health status and the details of the surgery. After the anesthesia application is completed, the nose tissues can be shaped using two different techniques. The first of these is the closed rhinoplasty technique. During closed rhinoplasty, no incision is made to the outside of the nose. The nose tissues are shaped through the nostrils. Thus, no scar is formed on the outside of the nose. Closed rhinoplasty is challenging for the surgeon to apply and requires advanced experience. Apart from the surgical difficulty, there are no disadvantages to closed rhinoplasty compared to open rhinoplasty. Although the choice between open or closed rhinoplasty technique is generally the surgeon’s preference, it has been shown in the literature that closed rhinoplasty has a faster healing process.

Another technique used in rhinoplasty surgery is the open rhinoplasty technique. In the open rhinoplasty, surgical incision is made to the outside of the nose to access the nasal tissues. Then, the nasal tissues are shaped according to the surgical planning.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a special technique used only in the bone shaping stage of rhinoplasty, regardless of whether it is open or closed technique. Depending on the surgeon’s experience, it can allow for a more atraumatic surgery.

At What Age is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Rhinoplasty is performed on individuals who have reached the age of 18. However, in some special cases, rhinoplasty surgery can also be performed on individuals under the age of 18 (with the consent of parents or legal guardians).

Is Rhinoplasty Permanent?

The effects of rhinoplasty are permanent. Unlike cosmetic procedures such as nasal filling, rhinoplasty does not need to be repeated at intervals.

Can Rhinoplasty be Repeated?

Rhinoplasty can be performed as a secondary operation called revision rhinoplasty when needed. If the desired nasal appearance of the patient cannot be achieved within the scope of primary rhinoplasty or new aesthetic problems arise in the nose, revision rhinoplasty can be performed. You can find detailed information about this on our website under the content titled revision rhinoplasty.

How Long Does Rhinoplasty Take?

There are many factors that affect the duration of rhinoplasty surgery. The primary factors among these are the technique and purpose of the surgery. Considering these factors, rhinoplasty surgery is expected to take about 2 hours.

How Long is the Recovery Period After Rhinoplasty London?

The recovery period begins with the completion of rhinoplasty surgery and the patient being taken to the recovery room. After rhinoplasty, the patient is generally discharged on the same day or stays in the hospital for 1 day. Immediately after the surgery, the patient’s general health status is checked, and efforts are made to ensure an ideal start to the recovery process. Splints are usually placed after rhinoplasty. These splints generally remain on or inside the nose for 1 week and support the nasal tissues during this period. With the cold compresses applied during this process, the rate of absorption of edema speeds up, and the edema largely disappears within approximately 7 to 10 days. Thus, patients can return to their daily lives. However, complete healing of the nasal tissues may take several months, and complete absorption of minimal edema remaining in the nose may take up to 1 year.

Can I Wear Glasses After Rhinoplasty London?

The use of glasses after rhinoplasty can cause damage to the already delicate nasal tissues and the new form obtained with surgery. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear glasses for approximately 2 months after rhinoplasty. During this period, individuals can safely wear contact lenses.

Can I Smoke After Rhinoplasty London?

Smoking is not recommended before and after rhinoplasty because it is harmful to the healing process. Smoking causes a significant decrease in the amount of oxygen and nutrients transported to the tissues through the bloodstream. This prevents the delicate nasal tissues, which are already sensitive and in the healing process, from receiving an adequate amount of nutrients and energy. As a result, the healing process is prolonged. In addition to prolonging the healing process, smoking can prevent the nasal tissues from healing properly and the planned nasal appearance from being achieved. Therefore, it is advisable to quit smoking completely after rhinoplasty surgery, if possible, or to take a break from smoking for at least 1 month.

London Rhinoplasty Cost 2024

London rhinoplasty cost may vary depending on the technique used in the operation and the anatomical features of the individual.

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