Prominent Ear Surgery London (Otoplasty London)

Prominent ear surgery London, also known as otoplasty, is an operation performed to correct asymmetry issues between the ears and achieve an ideal position for the ears. In individuals who have completed ear development, there is typically an angle of 25 to 30 degrees between the ears and the head. However, some individuals may not have developed the folds that give the ears their ideal angle, resulting in a greater angle between the ears and the head than the aforementioned range. Consequently, this leads to a condition known colloquially as prominent ears.

Aesthetic issues with the ears are not limited to prominent ear appearance. Some individuals may have significant symmetry issues with their ears due to developmental or physical traumas, which not only affect the harmony between the ears but also compromise the overall aesthetic integrity of the head region. Through prominent ear surgery, all these issues can be addressed, resulting in ears that are harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. Prominent ear surgery can be safely performed on both children and adults. In the following sections, we will provide answers to frequently asked questions such as “How is prominent ear surgery performed?”, “How long does prominent ear surgery take?”, “Is prominent ear surgery permanent?”, and “At what age can prominent ear surgery be performed?” For detailed information about prominent ear surgery London, please continue reading.

What is Prominent Ear Surgery?

Prominent ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, is an aesthetic procedure aimed at creating an ideal angle between the ears and the head to eliminate the appearance of prominent ears. Prominent ear appearance is typically a congenital condition that manifests during childhood. Children with prominent ear appearance may face peer bullying or various negative experiences in social settings due to their appearance. Prominent ear correction surgery is performed to eliminate prominent ear appearance and minimize associated negative experiences.

What are Prominent Ears?

Prominent ears are characterized by an angle between the ears and the head that is greater than the ideal angle, resulting in outwardly protruding ears. This condition disrupts the aesthetic harmony between the ears and the head. Prominent ear appearance can be corrected through surgery known as prominent ear correction surgery.

What Causes Prominent Ears?

It is believed that genetic and environmental factors may cause the development of prominent ear appearance. Loose or underdeveloped cartilage can lead to prominent ear appearance.

Why is Prominent Ear Surgery Performed?

Prominent ear surgery serves two primary purposes. The most common purpose is to correct prominent ear appearance. The other purpose is to address asymmetries between the ears and create the desired ear appearance.

At What Age is Prominent Ear Surgery Performed?

Prominent ear surgery can be performed on both children and adults. Children typically complete ear development by around the age of 6. Therefore, prominent ear surgery can be performed after the age of 6. There is no age limit for adults.

Is Prominent Ear Surgery Permanent?

The results of prominent ear surgery are permanent. Ears do not undergo significant changes after a certain age and are minimally affected by events such as fluctuations in weight. Therefore, the improvements achieved through prominent ear surgery are long-lasting.

How Long Does Prominent Ear Surgery Take?

Prominent ear surgery typically takes around 1 hour to complete. However, the duration may vary depending on the details of the operation. The surgeon prepares a personalized surgical plan considering factors such as the individual’s age and the condition of the ears. Subsequently, the individual or their parents are provided with detailed information about the planned procedure and its estimated duration.

How is Prominent Ear Surgery London Performed?

During prominent ear surgery, anaesthesia is administered first. This may involve general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia. Subsequently, the surgical intervention begins. In this stage, the cartilage tissues and folds of the ears are repositioned. This ensures that the ears achieve a harmonious appearance with the head in an ideal position. Specialised surgical techniques are used to address symmetry issues between the ears and achieve the desired appearance. Individuals who undergo prominent ear surgery are usually discharged on the same day. They may be required to lie on their backs for a period and wear a special head bandage.

London Prominent Ear Surgery Prices

London prominent ear surgery cost may vary from person to person depending on the details of the operation.

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