Nose Filler London (Liquid Rhinoplasty London)

Nose filler London, also known as non surgical rhinoplasty, is a filler procedure chosen as an alternative to rhinoplasty surgery to address minimal aesthetic issues in the nose and enhance its appearance. It is also known as Liquid Rhinoplasty. The nose, being centrally located on the face, is an organ of significant importance for the overall facial aesthetic. Therefore, aesthetic issues related to the nose can bother individuals.

There are two main procedures commonly sought to address aesthetic issues related to the nose. The first is known as rhinoplasty or nose surgery. Rhinoplasty, being a surgical operation, is usually performed to address significant issues in the nose. It often requires challenging anesthesia procedures and has a naturally longer recovery period compared to non-surgical procedures. Nose fillers, on the other hand, offer a much easier and more comfortable procedure compared to rhinoplasty. Being a non-surgical procedure, it is widely preferred. Nose fillers allow intervention for minimal aesthetic issues related to the nose. In this article, we will answer frequently asked questions such as “What are the advantages of nose fillers?”, “How long does nose filler last?”, “How is nose filler performed?”, and “How long does nose filler take?” For detailed information about nose filler applications in London, you can continue reading.

What Is Nose Filler? 

Nose filler is a special filler application aimed at correcting shape deformities in the nose and providing a harmonious appearance with the face. Nose filler is a non-surgical procedure. It is performed using a special filler substance called hyaluronic acid, which is naturally present in our bodies. This substance allows correction of aesthetic-based issues related to the nose. Additionally, it helps moisturize the applied area, preserving the skin tissue’s structure, as it is naturally present in the skin.

Why Is Nose Filler Done? 

Nose fillers can be done for purposes such as:

  • Correcting a droopy nasal tip.
  • Addressing issues occurring at the nasal tip during facial expressions or smiling.
  • Correcting shape deformities in the nose.
  • Creating a nose appearance compatible with facial characteristics. 

Nose fillers can be done for these purposes. As previously mentioned, the changes achievable with nose fillers are more limited compared to those with rhinoplasty surgery. For detailed information about rhinoplasty, you can review the contents titled “Open Rhinoplasty” and “Closed Rhinoplasty” on our website.

Who Is Nose Filler Recommended For? 

Nose fillers are recommended for individuals who want to address aesthetic-based issues in their nose but prefer not to undergo surgery. Some individuals may choose not to undergo nose surgery due to concerns about the surgical process, being unsuitable for surgery, or having a minimal aesthetic issue not requiring surgery. In such cases, if they are over 18 years old, they can have nose fillers.

What Are the Advantages of Nose Filler? 

The advantages of nose fillers include:

  • Intervention for various aesthetic-based issues related to the nose.
  • It is a non-surgical procedure, thus avoiding the need for risky anesthesia procedures.
  • Leaves no scars.
  • It is performed with simple and comfortable injection applications.
  • No significant swelling or edema occurs on the face after the procedure.
  • Patients can return to their daily lives immediately after the application. There is no recovery period. 

These are the advantages of nose fillers.

Is Nose Filler Permanent? 

Nose fillers are not a permanent application. Like other filler applications, hyaluronic acid in nose fillers dissolves over time, causing the effects achieved with the filler to diminish. The effects of nose fillers last between 9 to 12 months, depending on the individual’s skin type and lifestyle.

Can Nose Filler London Be Repeated? 

Since the effects achieved with nose fillers diminish over time, patients who wish to maintain those effects can repeat the application. The application can be repeated every 9 to 12 months.

How Long Does Nose Filler Application Take? 

Nose filler procedures are usually completed in about 15 minutes. The aesthetic planning conducted before the application phase takes longer than the actual filler application. During the planning phase, the patient’s expectations are discussed, and necessary calculations are made to achieve an ideal appearance.

How Is Nose Filler Performed? 

Nose filler application involves two stages. In the first stage, the nose is cleaned, and a cream with local anesthetic effects is applied to the nose. In the second stage, the filler substance called hyaluronic acid is injected into specific points of the nose.

What Is the Recovery Process After Nose Filler? 

After nose filler application, as mentioned earlier, patients can return to their daily lives. However, for a period, the nose area should not be compressed, and patients should sleep on their backs, avoiding massaging the nose area.

Nose Filler Cost in London

The cost of nose fillers in London may vary from person to person depending on the details of the application.

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