Mid Face Lift London

Mid face lift London is a surgical procedure performed to create a youthful appearance in areas such as the cheekbones, cheeks, and around the eyes, aiming to address aesthetic concerns in the central region of the face. The face is the area individuals pay the most attention to during social interactions. Therefore, aesthetic-based issues related to the face can lead an individual to appear older, tired, sleep-deprived, or angry than they actually are.

Particularly if these issues are prominent in the central area of the face, they can adversely affect the overall facial appearance. With age, volume loss occurs in the mid-face region. Combined with tissue degradation, the skin tissue that has lost its volume can sag and wrinkle. Neglecting skincare, regular exposure to sunlight without protection, and various skin conditions can also play a role in the development of these problems. A mid-face lift surgery can address all of these issues and create an attractive facial appearance. In this article, we will provide answers to commonly asked questions such as “How is mid face lift surgery performed?” “How long does a mid face lift surgery take?” “What is the recovery process after mid face lift surgery?” and “Who is mid face lift surgery recommended for?” For detailed information on mid face lift surgery London, continue reading our article.

What is Mid Face Lift?

Mid face lift is a surgical procedure performed to address sagging in the central region of the face, tighten the skin, and rejuvenate the skin, typically approached without visible scars using three different techniques depending on the individual’s needs and desired outcomes: (1) through the inside of the lower eyelid, (2) just below the eyelashes if skin is to be removed, or (3) inside the scalp. Surgical procedures during a mid face lift generally target areas such as the under eyes, cheeks, and around the mouth. Excess tissues in the area can be removed, and muscle and fat tissues can be rearranged to create a youthful and attractive appearance in the mid face region.

Why is Mid Face Lift London Done?

Mid face lift is done to address aesthetic concerns in areas such as under the eyes, cheeks (around the cheekbones), and around the mouth, aiming to create a youthful appearance in the central region of the face. With a mid face lift, facial sagging can be addressed, and a youthful appearance can be achieved in the respective facial area.

Who is Mid Face Lift Recommended for?

Mid face lift procedure is typically recommended for individuals complaining of aesthetic concerns in the central region of their faces. A significant portion of facial expressions occurs in the central region of the face. Due to this reason and genetic factors, the mid face region can deteriorate more quickly compared to other facial areas. Individuals of legal age can address aesthetic concerns in the mid face area effectively through this procedure.

Is Mid Face Lift Permanent?

The gains achieved through mid face lift surgery are permanent. Unlike Botox applications, these gains are not lost over time. However, there are factors that could compromise these gains. Therefore, patients are advised to maintain regular skincare, healthy nutrition, and regular exercise to preserve these gains.

Is Mid Face Lift Risky?

Mid face lift is generally not a risky surgery. However, like all surgical procedures, this surgery also has some common complications. Complications such as swelling and edema, which are normal during the recovery process, will completely disappear over time. Other complications that may occur due to a mid face lift include bleeding, temporary numbness, and infection. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arda Kucukguven takes all necessary precautions to prevent these complications.

How Long Does Mid Face Lift Take?

Mid face lift surgery typically takes about 2 hours. However, the duration of the surgery may vary depending on the procedures planned during the surgery. Your doctor will inform you about this matter.

How is Mid Face Lift Done?

Mid face lift surgery is performed under general anaesthesia, typically approached without visible scars through the lower eyelid, just below the eyelashes if skin is to be removed, or from the scalp. During the operation, interventions are generally made to areas such as the eye area, cheeks, nose, and mouth area. Excess skin and fat tissue in these areas can be removed, and the remaining tissues can be rearranged to create a youthful and firm appearance in the area. The patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during the operation.

What is the Recovery Process After Mid Face Lift?

After mid face lift surgery, patients are typically discharged on the same day, although they may be hospitalized for one day depending on individual’s needs and surgical details. They can gradually return to their daily lives within approximately 7 to 10 days. However, until the end of the healing process, they should pay attention to the points recommended by their doctors, take their medications regularly, and not skip doctor appointments.

London Mid Face Lift Prices

London mid face lift cost may vary from person to person depending on the details of the operation.

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