Lip Lift London

Lip lift London aims to establish aesthetic harmony between the lips, nose, and other facial features, enhancing the attractiveness of the lips. The alignment of facial features is crucial for both their individual aesthetic appeal and the overall aesthetic integrity of the face. For instance, excessive distance between the nose and upper lip can compromise the aesthetic unity of both the lips and the nose, as well as the overall facial harmony. To address this issue, aesthetic surgery known as lip lift or lip augmentation is commonly sought after. This procedure effectively reduces the distance between the upper lip and the nose, resulting in a more proportionate facial appearance. 

Lip lift surgery is one of the most frequently chosen aesthetic procedures by both men and women. In the following paragraphs, we will provide answers to commonly asked questions such as “How long does lip lift surgery take?”, “How is lip lift surgery performed?”, “Is lip lift surgery permanent?”, and “Is lip lift surgery painful?”. For detailed information about lip lift London please continue reading.

What is Lip Lift?

Lip lift is performed to reduce the distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose, thereby achieving a proportionate and aesthetically pleasing facial appearance. Factors such as aging can cause the upper lip to sag, resulting in an increased distance between the lip and the nose. In some individuals, genetic factors may contribute to a naturally longer distance between these facial features. Lip lift surgery is carried out to decrease this distance and enhance the attractiveness of the lips.

Why is Lip Lift Surgery Performed?

Lip lift surgery may be performed for the following reasons:

  • To enhance the attractiveness of the lips.
  • To shorten the distance between the upper lip and the nose.
  • To establish aesthetic harmony between the lips and the nose.
  • To create an attractive smile.
  • To improve the visibility of the upper teeth. Lip lift surgery can address these objectives.

Who is Eligible for Lip Lift Surgery?

Liplift is performed on individuals with an elongated distance between the upper lip and the nose. Similar to other cosmetic procedures, lip lift surgery is not recommended for minors. However, individuals who have completed lip development and are over 18 years old may undergo lip lift surgery upon request.

Is Lip Lift Surgery Permanent?

Lip lift surgery is a permanent procedure. The desired lip appearance achieved through this procedure can be maintained throughout one’s lifetime. However, patients are advised to protect their lips from physical trauma, avoid excessive pulling on the lips, and refrain from harmful habits post-surgery to effectively preserve the desired lip appearance.

Is Lip Lift Surgery Painful?

Lip lift surgery is not a painful procedure. Compared to other aesthetic surgeries, liplift is relatively minor in scope. Therefore, local anesthesia administered to the lip area before the procedure is sufficient to prevent discomfort during surgery.

How Long Does Lip Lift London Take?

Lip lift surgery typically takes between 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete. Prior to the surgery, your doctor will conduct a detailed consultation, examine your lips, and inquire about your desired outcome. Based on this information, a customized lip lift surgery plan will be created for you. Before the surgery, you will be thoroughly briefed on the details and estimated duration of the lip lift procedure.

How is Lip Lift Surgery Performed?

Lip lift surgery is performed under local anesthesia. When combined with other surgical procedures such as facelift, lip lift surgery may be performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, a surgical incision is made along the fold between the nose and the upper lip. Subsequently, the tissues in the area are adjusted through this incision. The distance between the upper lip and the nose is reduced, thus successfully completing the lip lift procedure. Patients who undergo lip lift surgery are usually discharged on the same day and can return home. It is recommended that they pay attention to their lip movements for a while and regularly use the medications prescribed by their doctors.

London Lip Lift Prices

The cost of lip lift surgery London may vary from person to person depending on the specifics of the operation.

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