Fat Injection London

Fat injection London involves transferring fat taken from a region rich in adipose tissue to another area of the body for aesthetic purposes. The fat is mechanically processed into microfat or nanofat according to the method of mechanical separation during surgery to provide volume and/or for rejuvenation purposes through the stem cell effect. Excess nutrients consumed throughout the day are stored as fat tissue in the body. Fat tissues provide support under the skin, add volume to the area they are in, and act as a barrier against external threats. Especially the fat tissue located beneath the facial skin is crucial for maintaining the skin’s healthy and youthful appearance.

Fat tissues under the skin may diminish due to factors such as significant weight loss or aging. As a result, the skin loses volume support, sags, and develops wrinkles. To address these issues, sufficient volume support needs to be restored under the skin. This can be achieved with filler materials like hyaluronic acid or with fat tissues harvested from the individual’s own body. The application that allows volume support to be provided with the individual’s own fat tissues is known as fat injection or fat transfer and is permanent. In this article, we will answer frequently asked questions such as “How is fat injection performed?”, “Which areas can fat injection be done?”, “From which areas is fat taken for fat injection?”, and “What is the recovery process after fat injection?” You can find detailed information about fat injection London by reading our article.

What is Fat Injection? 

Fat injection is a procedure performed using fat tissues taken from the individual’s own body to address aesthetic issues due to insufficient volume support under the skin. The required fat tissue for fat injection can be obtained from a body region rich in fat tissue. These regions include the abdomen, flanks, inner thighs, and hips. Fat tissues are harvested from these areas through a mini-liposuction procedure. The harvested fat tissues are then processed through various mechanical procedures and transferred to target areas through injection. Due to its rich stem cell potential, it creates a rejuvenating and lively appearance in the face.

Why is Fat Injection Done? 

Soft tissues such as fat and muscle under the skin help maintain the skin’s youthful and tight appearance. Significant loss of volume in these tissues can occur due to aging, changes in weight, and various environmental factors. As a result, depressions, deep wrinkles, and lines may appear on the skin surface. Fat injection is performed to address such issues.

Who is Fat Injection Recommended for? 

Fat injection has a relatively comfortable and straightforward application procedure. Therefore, fat injection can be performed on any adult (after suitability for the procedure is assessed).

Which Areas Can Fat Injection Be Done? 

During fat injection, fat tissues are harvested from areas such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and hips. These fat tissues can be transferred to areas such as:

  • Cheekbone area.
  • Nasolabial area, i.e., around the nose.
  • Forehead area.
  • Temples.
  • Lower jaw area.
  • Nose.
  • Lips.
  • Hands. 
  • Fat injection can be applied to all body areas where skin depressions due to volume loss are observed.

What Are the Advantages of Fat Injection London? 

The advantages of fat injection include:

  • Its permanence, unlike filler applications made with hyaluronic acid, which are temporary.
  • There are no allergic reactions as it is performed with the individual’s own fat tissues.
  • Fat tissues are rich in stem cells, which creates a rejuvenating potential for the tissues in the area.
  • The recovery process after the operation is quite fast. 

How Long Does Fat Injection Take? 

Fat injection alone generally takes about 30 to 45 minutes, but it is often combined with other facial procedures. After Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arda Kucukguven prepares a personalized fat injection plan for you, he will inform you about the duration of the application.

How Is Fat Injection Performed? 

Fat injection can be performed under general or local anesthesia. During the procedure, the required amount of fat tissue is first harvested from a region such as the hips or buttocks through a mini liposuction procedure. The harvested fat tissues are separated and cleaned through various mechanical separation techniques such as centrifugation from other tissues obtained with liposuction. Depending on the separation technique used, they can be processed into microfat or nanofat to provide volume or to take advantage of the pure stem cell-based rejuvenating effect. After the separation process, they are transferred to target areas through simple injection procedures.

What Is the Recovery Process After Fat Injection? 

Individuals who undergo fat injection generally return home the same day. They can gradually return to their daily lives within a few days. Some swelling may occur in the target areas after the application. This swelling will dissipate over time, and the area will achieve its final appearance.

London Fat Injection Prices 

London fat injection cost may vary from person to person depending on the details of the operation and individual factors.

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