Deep Plane Facelift London

Deep plane facelift London is a surgical procedure that addresses the facial tissues comprehensively, aiming to correct facial sagging and create a youthful appearance. The face holds significant aesthetic and functional value, as people often interact by looking at each other’s faces, recognizing individuals, and making judgments based on facial features. Therefore, for many individuals, having a healthy and youthful facial appearance is crucial. However, the face is highly susceptible to environmental factors and ageing.

Factors such as sun exposure, unhealthy dietary habits, hormonal changes, and certain medical conditions can compromise the integrity of facial tissues, leading to significant sagging. Deep plane facelift London surgery involves addressing the deep tissues beneath the facial skin to achieve a fresher and more youthful appearance. In this article, we will address commonly asked questions such as “How long does deep plane facelift London surgery take?”, “What is the recovery process after deep plane facelift surgery?”, “At what age should deep plane facelift surgery be performed?”, and “How is deep plane facelift surgery performed?” for those seeking detailed information about this procedure in London.

What is Deep Plane Facelift?

Deep plane facelift is a procedure aimed at repositioning the muscles and fat tissues located beneath the skin, removing excess tissues, and thus achieving a youthful appearance of the face. It differs from traditional facelift surgery. This operation effectively addresses aesthetic issues around the mouth corners and mid-cheek area. The reason for this lies in the fact that, unlike traditional facelifts, where age-related shifting occurs, deep plane facelift utilizes the naturally occurring deep anatomical spaces in the face for surgery.

Associate Professor Dr. Arda Kucukguven has published his research on the reliable anatomical boundaries of facelift surgery on cadavers and has contributed his comprehensive study encompassing all surgical techniques related to the long-term durability of facelifts to the medical literature. In this context, his scientific publications in facial aesthetics are widely referenced in today’s surgical publications.

Deep Plane Facelift London Procedure

Deep plane facelift surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The surgery begins with an incision typically made in the hairline in front of the ear, extending around the ear and into the hairline behind the ear. Through this incision, the surgeon accesses the deeper layers of facial tissues, including muscles and fat pads. Excess tissues are removed, and the remaining tissues are repositioned to restore a more youthful contour to the face.

Who is a Candidate for Deep Plane Facelift?

Deep plane facelift surgery is recommended for individuals, especially those with significant sagging and wrinkles in the midface and lower face regions, who are in good overall health and have realistic expectations. While this procedure is often performed in individuals in their 40s and older, less invasive techniques such as mini facelifts may be suitable for younger patients or those with minimal signs of ageing.

Advantages of Deep Plane Facelift

Some advantages of deep plane facelift surgery include:

  • Complete correction of sagging, jowls and wrinkles.
  • Improvement in the transition between the neck and jawline.
  • Natural-looking results.
  • Restoration of skin tone and texture.

Risks of Deep Plane Facelift London

As with any surgical procedure, deep plane facelift surgery carries certain risks, including bleeding, swelling, pain, and infection. However, these complications can often be managed with proper post-operative care and medication.

How Long Does Deep Plane Facelift Surgery Take?

The duration of deep plane facelift surgery varies depending on the extent of the procedure and whether additional complementary treatments are performed. On average, the surgery lasts between 2 to 3 hours.

Recovery Process After Deep Plane Facelift Surgery

Patients may be discharged on the same day as the surgery or may stay in the hospital for a few days, depending on their individual recovery progress. Most patients can gradually resume their daily activities within 4 to 7 days after surgery, although full recovery may take several weeks. Patients typically return to work after approximately 3 weeks, but this timeline may vary.

London Deep Plane Facelift Cost

Prices for deep plane facelift surgery in London vary depending on the specific details of the procedure and other related factors. It is advisable to consult with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arda Kucukguven to discuss treatment options and pricing.

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