Chin Surgery London 

Chin surgery London involves a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing and shaping the chin according to the individual’s desires. It is also know as genioplasty, mentoplasty and chin augmentation (chin implant). This procedure is commonly sought after by both men and women. The lower jawbone is one of the most crucial tissues that determines the size and shape of the face. Other soft tissues shape the face based on the contour defined by the jawline.

Therefore, having a well-defined and harmonious chin can support the entire face and contribute to an attractive facial appearance. Chin surgery, performed to create the desired look, can also address protruding or excessively large chin appearances. In this article, we will answer questions such as “How long does chin surgery take?”, “Who is eligible for chin surgery?”, “How is chin surgery performed?”, and “What are the pre and post-procedure processes for chin surgery?” for those seeking detailed information about chin surgery in London.

What is Chin Surgery?

Chin surgery, also known as genioplasty in medical terms, is a surgical procedure performed to shape the chin according to the individual’s gender characteristics, facial structure, and the shape of facial organs. Women typically desire rounder and more defined chin contours, while men prefer more pronounced and angular jawlines. In both cases, the chin contributes significantly to the aesthetic dimension of the face. Chin surgery is entirely tailored to the individual’s preferences. This procedure is also known as chin sugmentation or jawline surgery. To learn about non-surgical chin aesthetics, you can refer to our article on Filler Applications on our website.

Why is Chin Surgery Performed?

Chin surgery is performed to ensure that the chin harmonizes with the face and to enhance less prominent chins, giving them a more defined appearance. Essentially, this procedure aims to align the chin with the rest of the face. Various techniques may be employed during the procedure to achieve this goal. 

How Long Does Chin Surgery Take?

The duration of chin surgery typically ranges from half an hour to two hours. The procedure is personalized for each individual, influencing the duration significantly. Your doctor will provide you with an estimate of the expected duration of your chin surgery.

Who is Eligible for Chin Surgery?

Chin surgery can be performed on individuals who have completed their jaw development, typically those over the age of 18. However, these individuals should not have any jaw closure issues or orthodontic problems. If orthodontic issues are present, it is recommended to undergo orthodontic treatment first.

How is Chin Surgery Performed?

Chin surgery is performed under general anesthesia or, in some cases, local anesthesia, in sterile operating room conditions. The surgery may be conducted through the mouth or under the chin to avoid visible scarring. Special implants may be added to the jawbone to enhance and shape the chin. During the surgery, the lower jawbone may be repositioned according to the desired appearance. Soft tissues in the area can also be adjusted to achieve the desired chin aesthetics. The surgery typically lasts around one hour, although it may be shorter or longer depending on the individual case.

What is the Recovery Process After Chin Surgery?

Patients who undergo chin surgery may need to stay under hospital observation for one day or may be discharged on the same day. Swelling and bruising typically subside within 3 to 7 days after the surgery, allowing patients to return to their daily lives. However, patients should avoid activities that could strain or harm the chin area for some time following the procedure.

How Many Days Does it Take to Heal After Chin Surgery London?

Patients can gradually return to their daily lives within an average of 5 days after chin surgery. However, complete healing may take several months, depending on the extent of the surgery. Your doctor will provide detailed information about this process.

What Precautions Should Be Taken After Chin Surgery?

After chin surgery, patients should:

  • Stick to a liquid diet for 5 to 6 days if the procedure was performed through the mouth. This restriction does not apply if the technique is performed under the chin.
  • Minimize the use of the chin as much as possible for the first week.
  • Avoid consuming hard foods for several weeks.
  • Protect the chin from possible physical impacts when returning to daily activities.
  • Ensure regular follow-up appointments with the doctor.

These are the precautions to be taken after chin surgery. Your doctor will provide detailed guidance to help you navigate through this process.

London Chin Surgery Prices

Prices for chin surgery in London may vary from person to person based on the specifics of the procedure and other related factors.

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