Brow Lift London 

Brow lift London is an aesthetic surgery performed to correct the position of the eyebrows and create a more attractive appearance. Eyebrows are elements that enhance the aesthetic integrity of the face, forming an aesthetic transition between the hair, forehead area, and eyes. Therefore, problems related to the position, shape, and appearance of the eyebrows can negatively affect the appearance of the other mentioned areas. Conditions such as eyebrow drooping or ptosis can make individuals appear older than they are.

Brow lift surgery aims to eliminate such negative conditions and bring the eyebrows to an ideal position, resulting in a younger, more attractive, and lively facial appearance. Brow lift surgery is commonly chosen by both men and women. In the following text, we will provide answers to frequently asked questions such as “How is brow lift surgery performed?”, “Who can undergo brow lift surgery?”, “How long does brow lift surgery take?”, “What is Scarless Gliding Brow Lift?”, and “Is brow lift surgery permanent?” For detailed information about brow lift surgery London and similar procedures, please continue reading.

What is Brow Lift? 

Brow lift, also known as forehead lift, is a surgical procedure performed to address aesthetic problems caused by eyebrow ptosis and to reposition the eyebrows into a more aesthetically pleasing position. Brow lift surgery can eliminate the tired and aged appearance resulting from eyebrow drooping. It can provide individuals with a more vibrant, youthful, and attractive facial appearance. While brow lift surgery is commonly preferred by women, it is also widely performed on men. Elevating the eyebrows also significantly reduces excess skin on the upper eyelids, often eliminating the need for additional upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or minimizing the amount of tissue to be removed.

What is Gliding Scarless Brow Lift? 

Associate Professor Dr. Arda Kucukguven has introduced his surgical modifications and publications on the “Scarless Gliding Brow Lift” technique to the medical literature. Dr. Kucukguven has developed and applied this technique for many years to address the problems of brow lifts performed “Under Tension” seen in endoscopic techniques, which often result in drooping (relapse) and hair loss around the incision site in the scalp. By performing the procedure in the plane where aging-related changes occurs and providing strong control of the subcutaneous (space under the skin) space, Dr. Kucukguven achieves “Permanent” and “Scarless” eyebrow shaping. This procedure, unlike a brow lift with a thread, is a permanent surgical application performed through a few millimetres of incisions. Due to its application at the level where aging-related sagging occurs and its strong control over the space under the skin, this technique is characterized by a short recovery period and long-lasting results. Additionally, it is very safe as it leaves the facial nerves untouched at the base, unlike other techniques such as temporal lift and endoscopic brow lifts.

Why is Brow Lift Performed? 

Brow lift can be performed for the following purposes:

  • To achieve ideal and attractive eyebrow positioning.
  • To create a younger facial appearance by lifting the eyebrows.
  • To establish aesthetic harmony between the eyebrows and the rest of the face.
  • To eliminate the tired and aged appearance caused by eyebrow ptosis. 

Who Can Undergo Brow Lift Surgery? 

Brow lift surgery can be performed on any adult individual. Eyebrow ptosis typically becomes a problem after the age of 30 if it is not a genetic issue. Therefore, brow lift surgery is generally performed on individuals in this age group. However, in some cases, the position of the eyebrows may be aesthetically weak due to genetic factors. In such cases, brow lift surgery can also be performed on younger individuals.

What Causes Eyebrow Drooping? 

Causes of eyebrow drooping include:

  • Eyebrows may be in a lower position due to genetic factors.
  • Sagging and drooping of the eyebrows may occur with advancing age.
  • Incorrect sleeping position.
  • Intensive use of certain facial expressions. 

Is Brow Lift Surgery Painful? 

Brow lift surgery is performed painlessly. This is because the patient is administered local or general anaesthesia before the surgery. In some cases, sedation (deep sleep) may accompany local anaesthesia. Thus, any sensation of pain or discomfort during the surgery is completely prevented. Pain relievers are prescribed for any pain that may occur after the surgery.

Is Brow Lift London Permanent? 

The results obtained with brow lift are permanent. However, during the healing process, the individual should avoid habits that may cause the eyebrows to sag and droop again. Otherwise, the gains achieved with brow lift surgery may be lost over time.

How Long Does Brow Lift Surgery Take? 

Brow lift surgery is usually completed within 1 hour. Before the surgery, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arda Kucukguven will thoroughly evaluate the position of your eyebrows and listen to your expectations from the surgery. Then, a personalized plan for brow lift surgery will be prepared for you. As part of this planning, you will be informed in detail about both the details of the surgery and the duration of the brow lift surgery.

How is Brow Lift Surgery Performed? 

Brow lift surgery can be performed under local anaesthesia if it is isolated, while it is performed under general anaesthesia when combined with other facial procedures. Thus, any discomfort and pain during the surgery are prevented. Brow lift surgery can be performed using various surgical techniques. During this surgery, small incisions are made a few millimetres on both sides of the hairline. Then, the tissues in the area are repositioned, and the eyebrows are lifted. 

Brow Lift Prices London

The cost for brow lift surgery London may vary from person to person depending on the details of the procedure.

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