Closed Rhinoplasty Specialist

Meet Dr. Arda – Watch our 1:30 Video Featuring 10+ Before and Afters!

Dr. Arda is a renowned expert in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic Surgery, specialising in a range of advanced facial rejuvenation techniques. His years of specialist study have enabled him to craft his own hybrid approach to full facelifts and other smaller procedures, ensuring incredibly personalised and precise results.

Widely published, Dr. Arda is cited in over 200 articles related to facial surgery in global papers and studies, and is considered a leading authority on the subject.

Quick Recovery Rhinoplasty

Closed Rhinoplasty is a popular and less invasive surgical technique in the realm of cosmetic nose surgery – it offers an efficient solution for individuals seeking to refine the shape of their nose without external scarring. In this procedure, incisions are hidden inside the nostrils, this technique ensures no visible scarring, a quicker recovery, and less swelling, making it ideal for those seeking subtle, natural-looking nose modification with less downtime and a quicker full recovery.

Rhinoplasty Before & Afters

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Rhinoplasty + Browlift + Buccal Fat Reduction

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Rhinoplasty + Browlift

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Male Rhinoplasty

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Revision Rhinoplasty

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